Leucoanthocyanidin is classified as a polyphenol flavanol within the Flavan-3,4-diol category. they are colorless compounds closely related to anthocyanidins and anthocyanins. Flavan-3,4-diols lack inherent color but can produce anthocyanidins when subjected to heating with aqueous acidic conditions. This transformation results in the vibrant reds and purples observed in certain foods. Leucoanthocyanidins, such as leucopelargonidin, leucocyanidin, and leucodelphinidin, are common examples converted into corresponding anthocyanidins. However, this conversion can lead to undesired "pinking" in products like canned pears, banana puree, processed Brussels sprouts, and beer. These phenolic compounds play a crucial role in influencing the taste, bitterness, and bacteriological effects in grape wines.
The list of Leucoanthocyanidins includes: * Leucocyanidin * Leucodelphinidin * Leucofisetinidin * Leucomalvidin * Leucopelargonidin * Leucopeonidin * Leucorobinetinidin * Melacacidin * Teracacidin